At the exhibition at Grønbechsgård, I examined what occured when I juxtaposed different areas of examination as a
platform for the artistic work and displayed it as site-specific installation art. The areas of examination that interested
me were the town where the exhibition took place, Hasle. It was its infrastructure, buildings, topology, as well as the
urban renewal that had taken place during the last four years, starting in 2009, where architects have attempted to
connect the harbour with the town. 

Furthermore, I was interested in the building technique of the buildings of the town of Hasle with its black, timbered
structures and tiles in the form of boards, as well as Bornholm in general as the hub of Danish ceramic crafts and
training of new ceramists. How does urban renewal happen in a place such as this? How is a
timbered house renewed when it requires an extra layer of insulation and upon that yet another façade, a mounted
façade? How can ceramics be told of through the buildings, but also the urban space in general, and how can it be be
incorporated as a narrative, which installation-wise affects and renews the whole area by referencing its
previous history?

At the exhibition, I was not looking for the answers, but rather trying to get better at questioning.

Click here to watch Journalist Kathrine Schmeichels video
Click here to see Anja Baches video 
See the Catalogue here.





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